Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Tool #10

3 Things I want to teach my students about Digital Citizenship:
1. Netiquette - I think this is so important since they will be collaborating & commenting with others and their work. I need to stress the golden rule: Treat others people the way you would like to be treating.
2. Digital Footprint - Teaching them to think before they post because once it is out there others can see it. Also keeping details about their private lives private and not sharing username and passwords. Edmodo and Glogster allows user to select a profile picture. I allow students to choose from the available images or they may post a picture of their favorite animal or sports team.
3. Cyberbullying- Students need to understand that we don't bully at school or online.
I will use BrainPop as well as CyberSmart Kids when we discuss digital citizenship. I am hoping to spend the first few weeks of school on digital citizenship. Time is so precious during the day, however I feel it is important students know the expectations when using the devices.
I especially want to spend a great deal of time on Netiquette--watching the BrainPop videos and using CyberSmart Kids, then having the students go to Edmodo to discuss (and apply) what they have learned will let me know what I need to spend more time on. I don't know what much about the iSafe program & what they have available for teachers to use. Their website had a ton of info but you need to be a subscriber.

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