Sunday, May 22, 2011

Tool #8

  1. I learned that the iPad and iTouch are very similar in design & use. Knowing how to set-up the wireless network was new information for me since that has been a problem the iTouches. I have GEEK'ed in the past, but now I know how to solve the problem myself. I am hoping to set-up some Skype sessions this year, so the webcam on the Netbook is nice & convenient.
  2. I will number the devices and each child will be assigned that device to use. I have 2-3 technology managers to help pass out the devices or put them away. This is helpful so all the students aren't crowding around the cart trying to plug everything in.

1 comment:

  1. It was exciting to see the students using the iPads during the Humanitarian Expo today. I am so glad you aren't afraid to try new things. You are a wonderful trailblazer!
